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Ketamine and Wellness Infusion Therapy Located in Warner Robins, GA

Midstate Infusion Center changed ownership in 2023 and we are excited to provide the resources for ketamine infusion therapy, health and wellness infusions, and weight loss solutions to the city of Warner Robins and surrounding areas. We are proud to be locally owned and operated. Our goal is to bring you science-backed health and wellness so you can feel like your best self.

Ketamine therapy is a useful option for those suffering from treatment-resistant mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Midstate Infusion Center is one of the few providers in the area offering intravenous infusions of ketamine. IV administration has been shown to be safer and more reliable than other routes, like nasal or oral. The owner, Whitney Lyles, is a trained and certified registered nurse anesthetist(CRNA), who has over 7 years of experience in the use of ketamine. As a CRNA she is also trained in ACLS and emergency airway management.

Taking vitamins is a daily part of life for many of us. It’s no secret that we feel our best when our nutrition needs are met. For many, digestive issues prevent full absorption of oral vitamins and supplements. Our IV infusions can ensure you get the vitamins and minerals that your body needs at maximum absorption by bypassing the GI system and going directly to the bloodstream. We offer several different infusions catering to a variety of goals such as mental clarity, energy, increased immunity, muscle recovery, and weight loss. Our infusions can help with migraines and hangovers, too.

Losing weight can feel like an uphill battle. Let science help you reach your goals with GLP-1 medications. If you qualify, we can ship directly to you in the state of Georgia.

Why Ketamine?

*It should be noted that there are numerous considerations about treatment with ketamine. It is an anesthetic drug that should only be administered by professionals trained in its use. Risks may be significant, as with most medical procedures, and patients should discuss treatment with their doctor.


Ketamine offers quick relief from symptoms of severe depression and anxiety almost immediately in most cases, and the effects tend to last longer and longer with multiple treatments.


Ketamine has been shown to be a safe treatment for anesthesia for decades.


Roughly 75% of patients experience relief of symptoms that are resistant to other forms of treatment.


Although there is no current data for long-term benefits, studies do show promise for long term relief with a loading style treatment followed by maintenance doses.

Selfie in front of Midstate Infusion Center Sign

Why Use Midstate Infusion Center?

Appropriate Dosing

We utilize the latest data to customize the correct dosing of ketamine to your experience while remaining appropriate for our clinical setting.


Midstate Infusion Center utilizes continuous monitoring with Blood Pressure, EKG, and Pulse oximetry to ensure your safety during treatment.


We provide a darkened room, a reclining chair, and additional medications as needed for your comfort during the infusion. We also offer private, individual rooms for each infusion, whether for ketamine treatments or for vitamin infusions.


All ketamine infusions will be administered by a board-certified anesthetist and wellness infusions not utilizing ketamine will be administered by a registered nurse.


All of our infusions are treated as outpatient procedures, meaning that after a short recovery period, you will be able to return home. *Ketamine infusions will require a companion to serve as a driver, as you will be unable to operate equipment (including automobiles) for the remainder of the day.

Contact Us Today

Safe and Innovative Infusions to Better Your Health