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At Midstate Infusion Center, we offer a groundbreaking approach to mental health through ketamine therapy. Unlike traditional treatments like SSRIs, ketamine works on a unique pathway, making it a promising option for individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health disorders. One of the most compelling advantages of ketamine therapy is its rapid onset of relief. Many patients experience significant improvement after just a single session, which contrasts sharply with the months it often takes for conventional medications to show effects.

Ketamine’s efficacy lies in its ability to influence brain chemistry in a novel way. It targets NMDA receptors in the brain, promoting the release of neurotransmitters that help regulate mood and stress. This can lead to a quicker, more profound sense of relief for those who have not found success with other treatments. If you’re exploring options beyond traditional therapies, ketamine may offer a faster route to recovery and improved well-being.

The treatment process at our center is straightforward and patient-focused. After a brief survey about your symptoms, you’ll consult with our Medical Director, Dr. Stefan Yost, to ensure you’re a suitable candidate for therapy. The infusion itself is administered in a comfortable, private setting, with close monitoring to ensure your safety and comfort. While some patients might experience mild hallucinations or a floating sensation, these effects are typically manageable and part of the therapeutic process.

We recommend a series of initial treatments for optimal results, followed by periodic maintenance sessions. Each individual’s response to ketamine therapy can vary, so ongoing adjustments to your treatment plan may be necessary. If you’re interested in exploring ketamine therapy as a viable option for mental health relief, contact us at Midstate Infusion Center to discuss your needs and start your journey towards a better state of mental wellness.